Something tasty from Pinchas the Chef for the holidays


The esrog is one of the four species used on Sukkos. It is compared to a man’s heart as a symbol of perfection, free of blemish or fault. Mainly it is eaten as a jam or preserve, or in the form, of candied peel. Our sages tell us that the pregnant women who eat esrog will give birth to sweet smelling babies. The Talmud relates a story of king Shebour’s wife, who ate citron throughout her pregnancy. She gave birth to a child who smelled so sweet that when the king would ask for fragrant spices, they would bring him his daughter instead.

Almond Esrog Jam


5 ea  Esrog
1 cup Orange marmalade
1 ea Orange Peels
3 cups Sugar
3 cups of Water
1 Cup of Raw Almonds


Wash esrog and cut length wise. Take seeds out and then cut into desired cubes.
Put into pot and cover with water and refrigerate
Every 10 hours drain the water out (repeat 3 times)
In heavy duty pot with thick bottom heat up sugar until you see it starts to brown.
Add water into it and cook like caramel.
Add esrog, orange peels and marmalade.
Cook for half hour and then add raw almond into it.
Cook for another 5 minutes more and you got your self a jam

Credit to: Rabbi Avi Matmon