Prominent Israeli Figure Makes Visit to the Ohel


A special visitor arrived at the Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens this morning, Wednesday 18 Teves: R’ Yanki Deri, son of R’ Aryeh Deri — leader of the Shas party, currently serving as Israel’s Interior Minister and Health Minister, as well as Deputy Prime Minister and member of the Security Cabinet.

He was accompanied by the leaders of the Ohr Avner – Chabad Lubavitch institutions in Queens, Shluchim to the Bukharian Jewish community, Rabbis Zalman Zvulonov and Levi Yitzchak Wolowik.

Also seen were leading members of the religious press who were accompanying R’ Yanki, who serves as the head of the Department for Diaspora Relations at the World Zionist Organization:

Ari Kalman from B’Chadrei Charedim, Yishai Cohen from Kikar Hashabbat, as well as his personal assistant Yisrael Shneur and Yehuda Nakash.

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