Bnos Malka Academy is honoring David & Rivka Mierov

David & Rivka Mierov

Bnos Malka Academy is honoring David & Rivka Mierov as the Grandparents of the Year at their 23rd Annual Dinner on May 19, 2019.

David and Rivka Mierov have been building their family and business for the last 38 years. They have been instrumental members in the 71st Bukharian Center and have been helping different organizations and Shuls in New york. David and Rivka have been involved in kiruv organizations such as Chazaq, Emet and Netzach and have helped these organizations raise money and make dinners in order to help children advance their learning in Yidishkeit.

In addition to helping children, the last several years, they were given the task of supervising and up-keeping the Mikva on Grand central Parkway which is under the supervision of Rabbi Teitelbaum. David, Rivka and their family have donated classrooms in memory of their parents to JIQ Boys Middle and High School and they help collect donations in order to help Jewish children attend Yeshivas.

David and Rivka can also be seen helping individuals who are in need of finding a job, advice or finding housing.

Even though they were immigrants from Russia who began a business selling fruits, they were moser nefesh and sent all of their children to Yeshivas. As the children grew in Yiddishkeit, so did they. They are proud grandparents of Bracha, who graduated Bnos Malka last year and of Shulamit, who’s graduating this year, in addition to their other grandchildren in the 5 towns and other parts of Queens.

Whether selling fruits or diamonds, one can always find David and Rivka lending a hand, smile, advice or financial support to those in need. Hashem should continue showering them with bracha and Bnos malka Academy should continue to be matzliach in raising the future mothers of Klal Yisrael.

Click Here for Reservations and Dinner Journal