Unconventional Bukharian Careers


Unconventional Bukharian Careers – November 2nd, 7pm-10pm – Queens College Hillel

Calling all undecided high school and college students to learn about unconventional career paths taken by Bukharians!

Are mama and papa making you pursue a career you don’t want to go for? Can you only see yourself following your passions? Would you like to hear young professional Bukharians (that are CRUSHING IT) speak about their unconventional careers and their journey to success? Then this is the event for you.

If you’re an ambitious high schooler, a curious college student, or someone looking to learn about different types of exciting careers, come join us Thursay, Novemebr 2nd, 7pm at QC Hillel.

We will have several talented speakers including doctors, investment bankers, entrepreneurs, etc. followed by Q&A after.

Food will be served at 7:00pm sharp so make sure to get there on time!

Speaker List below:
Dr. John Layliev, MD. – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Layliev Plastic Surgery
Dr. Tatyana Nektalova, MD. – Dermatologist Chief Resident, Mount Sinai Health System
Edward Ilyasov – Sales Trader, Santander Bank
Natalie Rebeyev – Ph.D. student in Medical Science, Cambridge University
Daniel Yuabov – Startup CEO, Carvoy
Betty Yusupov, Esq. – Attorney, Silverson Pareres & Lombardi LLP
Manashe Khaimov, MSW. – Director of Community Engagement and Development, Queens College Hillel
Milana Larin – Account Manager, Ariela and Associates International
(Speaker list is tentative and subject to change. Do revisit this list to see updates)

This is a FREE event – Join us for this amazing event!