SCRIE/ DRIE NYC Rent Freeze Program Free Informational Session


Hello, my name is Betsy Hernandez, I am with the Dept of Finance, Community Assistance Program and am reaching out to you to provide information to your senior and disabled population about the SCRIE/ DRIE NYC Rent Freeze Program.

It is our goal to bring awareness to areas with high concentrations of eligible buildings and work with local senior centers and community groups to assist senior & disabled renters who may be eligible for the program but are not aware of it. We can provide SCRIE/ DRIE presentations in your area and work with staff to learn how to better assist the population with the application process. And because we are part of the SCRIE/DRIE program itself, we are able to take faxed or emailed applications on your behalf and submit them for processing. This cuts a significant amount of time off the application process and ensures the application has been received and reviewed.

Below is a link to our website:

If this is something you may be interested in, please contact me for further information. We can set up a meeting where our director or a program coordinator can come out to meet you and discuss the SCRIE program.  If there are Senior Centers in your area you would like to suggest I reach out to, that would be helpful as well.  I look forward to speaking with you.

Betsy Hernandez
NYC Dept of Finance
Property Exemptions Administration Office (PEA)
Community Assistance Program, PEA-CAP