What Is Lev Leviev Net Worth? Well, inadvertently, Lev Leviev has become engrossed in the drama depicted in Netflix’s new show The Tinder Swindler. Lev’s business and family have been thrown into the spotlight after a conman purported to be one of his children. Leviev was born in 1956 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1971, his family relocated to Israel, where he remained until 2007 when he relocated to London. He is currently residing in Russia as of 2018. Leviev is a practicing Orthodox Jew, and his parents, Avner and Chana Leviev were prominent members of the Bukharian Jewish community.
He is a Chabad supporter, yet being a Bukharan Jew, he was raised following the Bukharan ritual. His family moved from Uzbekistan to Israel when he was fifteen years old in 1971. Alisher Usmanov’s father was a Tashkent prosecutor who assisted the Levievs in leaving for Israel. Leviev started working as an apprentice in a diamond polishing company shortly after, studying the 11 phases of the diamond cutting process. He founded his own diamond polishing factory after serving in the Israel Defense Forces’ communications department. To learn more about him, continue reading.
Lev Leviev Net Worth:
What Is Lev Leviev Net Worth? Lev Leviev is an Israeli businessman, philanthropist, and investor with a net worth of $1.5 billion who was born in the Soviet Union. Leviev became the Chairman of the Board of Directors and controlling shareholder of Africa Israel Investments Ltd after making his money in the real estate, chemical, and diamond industries. Lev, often known as “King of Diamonds,” was named to Forbes’ list of billionaires in 2018. His fortune was amassed through his diamond business, which he ran from mines all over the world, notably in Africa and Russia.
LLD Diamonds and its creator Lev exist in the real world, but they have nothing to do with the master conman. To mimic the diamond magnate’s son and heir to millions of dollars, Shimon Hayut legally changed his name to Simon Leviev. He conned ladies out of their hard-earned money while frolicking across Europe, flaunting his stolen fortune. While Lev Leviev has been silent on the series, LLD Diamonds have expressed condolences for the Hayut victims. According to the spokeswoman, the incident has produced an “ongoing misunderstanding” regarding the organization.
When did Lev Leviev find LLD Diamonds?
Lev Leviev is the head of the world-famous Russian-Israeli diamond cutters. His parents, Avner and Chana Leviev were prominent members of Samarkand’s Bukharian Jewish community. His family moved to Israel when he was 15, and Leviev began his professional career in the emerging diamond industry as an apprentice at a polishing company before starting his own. In 1992, he traveled to Russia to take over the jewelry company Ruis Diamonds Ltd. He began expanding into Eastern Europe once the Soviet Union fell apart. With headquarters situated in New York, the company has been in operation since the year 1996 and is one of the most well-known names in the sector.
What Other Businesses Has Lev Leviev Invested In?
Leviev is the largest shareholder in Africa, Israel Investments, a real estate and construction firm (60 percent). The corporation has major real estate assets in Russia and is publicly traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. He invests in the diamond business, real estate, and chemicals, as well as retail malls, residential real estate, energy, fashion, media, and telecommunications on a global scale. His daughter, Chagit Leviev Sofiev, is the President of the Leviev Group USA and the CEO of Africa Israel USA. Her spouse, Greg Sofiev, is the CEO of LLD Diamond USA.

More About Lev Leviev:
Leviev is the president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Former Soviet Union (FJC), an umbrella organization that represents Jewish communities across the former Soviet Union. He founded the Ohr Avner Foundation, which is named after Leviev’s father. Leviev is the president of the World Congress of Bukharian Jews and is a prominent member of the Bukharan Jewish community. In 2007, Leviev, his wife Olga, son Joshua, and daughter Ruthie relocated to Hampstead, London. Leviev, a golf enthusiast, also has a home in the Florida beach town of Ponte Vedra. Leviev is currently residing in Russia. Zevulun Leviev, Lev Leviev’s son, was detained in Israel on November 6, 2018, for suspected illicit diamond smuggling from Russia to Israel through LLD Diamonds.
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